As per SEBI guidelines, minimum amount to be invested is Rupees 50 lakhs. You can transfer your existing shares and/or funds with total amount to be minimum Rupees 50 lakhs.

As per SEBI guidelines, we cannot guarantee returns but we aim to beat the benchmark comfortably and create wealth with superior CAGR.

There will be a combination of fixed fees and performance fees on annual basis. It will be as per the agreement between you and the portfolio manager.

We offer discretionary (DPMS) and non-discretionary portfolio management services (NDPMS). With our discretionary service, we invest in equities according to the fund manager's decisions on your behalf. In our non-discretionary service, investments are made based on the client's discretion.

Orbis serves as the custodian and depository participant registered with NSDL. Under their oversight, securities are allocated to individual clients, each of whom holds ownership in their name.

Just fill up your details on the form on the homepage. We will get in touch with you, ask for basic details and proofs, and send you the pre-filled documents for you to go through and sign. Once we receive the same, we will process the documents, open your account and initiate fund transfer.

An NRI/PIO can avail the PMS service under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) on repatriation and/or non-repatriation basis (NRE and/or NRO account).

As per RBI guidelines, there can only be 1 PIS account for repatriable funds.

As per the latest RBI guidelines, PIS account is not required for NRO account holders.